
Posted Fri, 26 Jan 2024


People to Portray Underground Ravers, Underground Ravers with Cars (SAG-AFTRA COVERED)

Grant Wilfley Casting
New York
Next Shoot Date Tue, 13 Feb 2024
Union Status SAG-AFTRA
Role Rate $208/8hrs
Gender Any
Ethnicity Any
Playing Age 18-35 years
Role Description
Grant Wilfley Casting is seeking people to play the following for the feature film "BABYGIRL": - Ravers: 18+ to Mid 20's, all genders and ethnicities - Ravers with Cars: 18+ to Mid 20's, all genders and ethnicities MUST BE OKAY WITH STROBE LIGHTS, HAZE, BODY CONSCIOUS CLUB ATTIRE, SOME BODY/FACE PAINT, & CLOSE PROXIMITY TO OTHER CLUB GOERS Also seeking some real couples. Please note if have car by noting make, model, year and color and also note if you work with someone as a couple. Must NOT HAVE ALREADY WORKED ON BABYGIRL If submitting with car: NO RED OR WHITE CARS Tentative Shoot Dates: Tuesday 2/13 in Queens NY. Int and Ext work. Wardrobe Fittings: TBD This background performer role is covered by a SAG-AFTRA CBA and subject to a Preference of Employment provision. This production is currently under the SAG-AFTRA Interim Agreement. SAG-AFTRA Rate: $208/8hrs
Upcoming Shoot Dates
No further dates confirmed.
New York